Part of re-emerging is about taking stock of where you are right now. Taking stock means becoming aware of where you are at, perhaps aspects of your life you want to change, but also just as importantly the aspects of your life that you are thankful for. It's not always easy when you've experienced loss to find things to be thankful for, but I bet if you spent just five minutes with a notebook you'd soon fill up a page!
I’ve started a daily thank you on facebook and twitter!/Re_Emerging.
The beauty of it is they don’t have to be big things, in fact often it’s the smaller things we take for granted that get overlooked in the thought of gratitude – the friends and loved ones who are always there for us, a sunny blue sky day, our health, the food on our plates, our freedom....
Today I am grateful for the beautiful blue sky, the sunshine, the lovely breeze, and for having the good health to be able to go for a run and really enjoy this beautiful autumn weather. I also give thanks to the very special man in my life who bought me the thoughtful gift of an ipod shuffle which motivated me to go out for a run in the first place to try it out!
What and who have you got to give thanks for?
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